Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can someone Shut Geraldine Up!!!!!!

The only difference between us white republicans and white democrats is atleast we republicans know we racist, democrats smile in your face then go home and say the same things we do.-----seept. 2006 coworker

You know i wrestled with the redneck who I use to work with when he said this.. I just thought you know what, he's just blowin smoke. After this election though, it really makes you wander that in 2008 have we as a society still not learned anything about dealing with people?

You know what makes this worse, Hillary has yet to reject and denounce the statements of Geraldine Ferraro. She's called a monster, Samantha Power's fired. Baracks called a token candidate, oh well i think its bad, but its ok.....

The signs of a desperate candidacy couldnt be more glaring..Hillz, ya gotta let her ,go. If not, if you somehow win this election dont be surprised if catz come out and
Rush the Vote
Ya got lucky hillz, as I was gettin ready to post this she quit...still, bad ju keepin her around that long....


At 1:01 AM , Blogger P said...

Let ANY OF THE CANDIDATES had said that Hillary is only in that position because she is a woman. You would have had the National Organization of Women all over his ass, and the way PETA has been acting lately, they probably would have thrown their hat in ring as well too, on GP.

It's just SHOWS TO GO YOU (smile) that women try to get away with bloody murder. Do you know that Oprah has even been criticized for supporting Barack, saying she should have supported Hillary? Well, if we 'really' want things to be all things equal, then we should be free to choose, regardless of race or gender, and that gender shouldn't be an issue when it comes to things like this. But I know women, they want to pick and choose when to use their femininity. They want to have equal rights, but then they want you to still give them concessions. Boy don't let me get started talkin.

At 5:37 AM , Blogger smoothie said...

I was listenin to a sister whos supportin Hillz on cnn, she said "im a woman first and black second" I was floored..I told wifey, i guess she forgets that though she's a woman, shes a BLACK woman...and yes as a whole women are slighted, but black women are the one demographic that id argue who get it the worse....

At 4:10 PM , Blogger P said...

Frankly speaking. . . .If I HAD to choose who I'm going down with. . .

Reparations all day long, baby.

At 12:46 PM , Blogger smoothie said...

thats all im screamin..

Im far from a sexist..I prolly the only male feminist out there..But im also a very unashamed african american...FIRST...You can change gender, may be a little funny lookin, but you can do it..You cant change race...


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