Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In Cased You Missed It

Welcome back to all my Gov't peepz who've been gone and every body else . The holiday's are officially over and I decided to take a different approach on my wrap up piece.

In News, In cased you missed it Saddam was found guilty and sentenced to death. For those who didn't catch it
Here ya go Warning Graphic.

Also the Government has decided they want there
FEMA Trailers Back.
Just when you thought things were changing.

In Sports MJ and Juanita are calling it Quits after 17 years of marriage. Funny thing is, they had no pre-nup. So whenever a shoe's made,
just think this,
she sold you the right, and he sold you the left.

Also Broncos CB Darrent Williams was killed in a Drive By shooting celebrating Denver Nuggets Star Kenyon Martins Birthday on New Years.
He's survived by his 2 small children.

In Entertainment Some Ghetto Cats allege that they have Young Bucks Chain. If this indeed the case,
How stupid must you be to record yourself, and then have it put on Youtube?

Finally, Britney decided she was going to fall asleep during the middle of a New Years Eve party she was asked to host at Club Pure in Las Vegas. Rack up another victory for the
Skank Squad. For the money they payed her (reportedly 300k) passed out or not she'd be on that stage singing every song I can come up with... RP


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