Happy birthday Song
Not really old skool but I like it..
Realpeeplz is an idependent lifestyle blog that will cover a range of topics. From Television, sports, Video Games , and whatever hot topic conversations that run the media. In addition, when possible, we will interview anyone into real talk and is open to healthy debate. With that said..Lets have fun
Not exaclty ALL EYEZ on Me, but he is tryin..I guess..
"Im a US Senator whaddaya think about that."Well I'll tell you what I think about that, I think you need not bother about re-running for anything.
I wont lie, today was gonna be a slow blog day, but seeing that I rarely give my Beautiful Nubian Sistah's who actually do GOOD props, I decided that today, i'm going to make it a new category. The way its gonna work is, each week i plan on selecting 2 sistah's who are on top there game, from a personal, profesional, and emotional standpoint. My boy E over at bgdboom already gave me inspiration for my innagural sistah. By the way when yall get a chance, show him some love and cast a vote for him at the Black weblog awards.
If you know about it...Show me love! This is another one of those hidden gems that you had to know to appreciate.
Well at the Gym, the Gas Station and the Job Spot, all the talk is of Michael Vick. Being in Texas if its football related, odds are its going to be the talk. You hear so many different opinions on the matter that at time's I think people are persuaded by the media and thus loose there ability to think clearly and freely. Well, if I ve never gave you my opinion on this whole Vick thing are if you need my finite commentary, i'm going to lay it all for you today.
***Warning UNCUT***
Im not gone lie, back in my get buff day's this song was #1 on the mixtape.. X ripped the life outta this track..
When a nicka told a joke and these 'itches didnt laugh
Rather then link up to several different Sources (like I'd normally do) today I decided to switch things up a little.
It looks like Karl Rove is out , and W's seconds awaty from flying Auto Pilot , are you happy sad are relieved? Also, its early, but do any of you have an idea as to who you plan to vote for? I wont say im flip flopping, but, I will say Governor Bill Richardson really impresses me.
Hit me back with your thoughts....eYou ever sometime just wanna ether a cat???????????? Seriuosly fam, I sometimes sit a my desk at work and come up with some of the nastiest ish imaginable to think about just in the event that somebody has the nerve to bring it to me one day.
I defy you to find another artist that got you this amped up with his intros.. Pac smashed on this one as well..
F- the world if they cant adjust...Hail Mary
Im still efforting the LL COOL-J Remix..Nevertheless this was still a hot track..
Say what you want to about him, but what Barry did last night was nothing short of phenominal.
Barry's the All Time Home Run King. Your Majesty, its been an honor watching you do what you do GREAT! They'll be many haters posing as journalist out there wating to rip you at seems, but know this, as a FAN, I know I witnessed pure greatness.
I actually like this song..I know its a little old (1 yr) but its catchy...
In My head , I think I'd a got an 8..But realistically maybe a 4..then again look at the judges. Toni's the only one that matters..
I dont know if this is old skool or not, Hell, I cant even remember when this video was made, But I defy any many to NOT watch the entire thing through...
This was one of those songs that always sounded better on Friday for some reason.
On a very slow topic day I decided I revisit one of my more popular segments; Remembering my oldies but goodies in regards to 80's Television Shows. What better way to start this off by going right into the number 1 spot. At number 1 for Me was the A-team. They had it all, machine gun intro, blinged out mohawk wearing Mr. T, and Faceman. I often wander how the A-Team would fair now in LA, but there was a time when the guys who drove around in the Black Econoline Van Ran that city. At least the underground anyway.