Anything Texas can do, South Carolina can do BETTER
Just when you thought my fellow Texans had reached an all time low with throwing there racially charged MLK celebration Party, up comes the rowdy bunch of Clemson Tigers to one up them...To be fair, the parties were thrown around the same time, its just these photos are just now surfacing.(tks smoking gun) If you feel a little sick inside, just remember, Clemson (located in South Carolina) is in the same state that has the biggest issue with the Confederate Flag being taken down in there state. I know I don't have many, but for those who read my blog and are not of color, I have a couple of questions.
1st. Exactly what is going on in your mind when you throw these parties?
2nd To quote my boy E' "Do you invite any people of color to your parties", and if so what is there reaction?
3rd. Do you think that this is a positive portrayal of African Americans, esp. On MLK Day , or do you see this as one big joke?
4th. What drives you to do this? Is it rap music, the media, what?
5th. How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? If your people's negative stereotypes were exploited by a black man in a Klan suit, or a picture of Black folk at a party eating Mayo and water crest sandwiches listening to God smack and going outside to go cow tipping?
Heres what I think, I know at home many of you use the N- word its ok youre not around any body who it would offend and what the heck it is your home right. Youre probably tired of the bastardization of Holiday's and you decided you'd take aim at the one holiday that many of your ilk both past and present would overwhelmingly agree is overrated. (I work with many of you who have made this claim.) You got to thinking about a cool way to spend your MLK day and get your point out, and one of you came up with this scheme....To bad it got exposed. I'm pretty sure that this wont stop you from next years party which Im sure will top this one by far. Next time though, you'll decide to ban camera's and Cell Phones..God forbid you should actually have to take responsibility for the actions you do.
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